

Interventional Nephrology Forum 

INFORMnephro image

Interventional Nephrology has come a long way – from a fringe group of Nephrologists trying to do interventions themselves, to an established, subspecialty over the years. It is still peculiar, as it has no definite boundaries or proper guidelines and most interventionalists are only self taught. All these lead to longer learning curve and vulnerability to criticism. This forum should look up to fill up some of the gaps!  

Please register. This will help us to reach you for further activities.

Are you interested in presenting your work in future INForm meetings? 

Forthcoming INForm meeting is on 27 Nov 2021 8 - 9.30 pm

Next INForm web meeting, on 27 Nov 2021… 

It’s about our INForm meeting scheduled for 27 November at 8 pm.

Following suggestions from friends and well wishers of the group, we propose to modify the format of the meeting slightly. We shall try to finish the talks/demos by 9 pm or so and give rest of the time for open and free discussions. In the discussion time, besides alluding to the subjects of the day, members can bring out impromptu issues from their current practice. In this way, the number of slotted talk/demo would be restricted. Anyway, with ongoing monthly meetings, we shouldn’t be running out of  topics quickly!

With USG becoming the primary tool for Interventional Nephrologists, we would be hearing about hand – held USG probes by Dr.Vel Aravind and Dr.Abhilash Koratala. Those of you  contemplating to buy this device can have critical review from the speakers. In line with our recent discussion threads on AVFs with exuberant flows, Dr.Akash Shingada would  discuss about problem of post dialysis bleeding from puncture site and a novel method to arrest it.Please find the invitation for this month INForm meeting. Dr.R.K Sharma, former President of ISN/ISOT/PDSI and HOD/Director, SGPGI would be the guest of honour along with other panelists – Dr.Urmila Anand and Dr.Balakrishnan.

Click to ‘Join meeting’ in the invitation is the link.

Please keep Saturday evening free.

The videos of the November 2021 meeting.

Introduction and Dr. RK Sharma’s  Message 

Dr. Vel Arvind on hand held Ultrasonogram

Dr. Abhilash on hand held Ultrasonogram

Dr. Aakash Shingada on ‘Coke’ to ‘Choke’ the bleed

 Discussion by panelist and audience 

The videos of the October 2021 meeting.

Welcome and Dr. Anil Agarwal’s address

Setting up an Angiolab for AVF Interventions

           ‘Band – It’ to ‘Fix – It’.            Dealing with high flow AVF

Fistula Blues…

The videos of the September 2021 meeting.




© 2021, JB 

All Rights Reserved