Interventional Nephrology Forum
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INFORM – An informal web Forum for Nephrologists with passion for Interventions
Interventional Nephrology has come a long way – from a fringe group of Nephrologists trying to do interventions themselves, to an established, subspecialty over the years. It is still peculiar, as it has no definite boundaries or proper guidelines and most interventionalists are only self taught. All these lead to longer learning curve and vulnerability to criticism. Although the International Society of Nephrology(ISN), Indian Society of Nephrology, American Society for Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology (ASDIN) and initiatives like AVATAR are doing the best to promote this much needed field, there are no ongoing continuous training programs in India. This forum, INFORM, if groomed well, can look up to fill up some of the gaps!
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Interested in presenting your work in future INForm meetings?
Topic / procedure /issue suggestions for future discussion in the forum
Next INForm web meeting, on 29 OCT 2022…
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 969 9431 8914
Passcode: 173323
The videos of the OCT 2022 meeting
Introduction of the speakers and the topics
Bolstering dressing for Tunnel Bleed
Lysing the Thrombus – Comparing the TPAs
Bolstering the Post Bx Bleed – Percutaneous Gluing
© 2021, JB. All Rights Reserved