

Interventional Nephrology Forum 

INFORMnephro image

Interventional Nephrology has come a long way – from a fringe group of Nephrologists trying to do interventions themselves, to an established, subspecialty over the years. It is still peculiar, as it has no definite boundaries or proper guidelines and most interventionalists are only self taught. All these lead to longer learning curve and vulnerability to criticism. Although the International Society of Nephrology(ISN), Indian Society of Nephrology, American Society for Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology (ASDIN) and initiatives like AVATAR are doing the best to promote this much needed field, there are no ongoing continuous training programs in India. This forum, INFORM, if groomed well, can look up to fill up some of the gaps!  

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Interested in presenting your work in future INForm meetings? 

Topic / procedure /issue suggestions for future discussion in the forum

Forthcoming INForm meeting is on 29 OCT 2022 8 - 9.30 pm

Next INForm web meeting, on 29 OCT 2022… 

Wish you all had a great Diwali with family and friends. It’s again time to meet for our monthly INForm meeting on 29th October at 8 PM.
We would be focusing on Peritoneal dialysis this time. Although coiled catheters have been around for a very long time, we don’t seem to be using them as much as in other countries for no specific reasons. Let us have some ‘straight’  discussions on ‘coiled’ catheters and see ‘why’ and ‘why not’ use it in our practice. We have Dr. Vineet to demonstrate insertion of coil catheter followed by Discussion by our guest Speaker Dr Bharat Sachdeva,  from Shreveport, US.
Emergent PD start is a great innovation which is bringing PD closer to HD in the race for share for RRT. Dr. Purva Bavikar would be demonstrating the tricks to enable successful emergent start.
Stalwarts in PD, Prof. Georgi Abraham,  Dr. KS Nayak and Dr. Shree b Bushan Raju have agreed to be present and share their experiences.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 9431 8914
Passcode: 173323


The videos of the OCT 2022 meeting

Introduction of the speakers and the topics

Bolstering dressing for Tunnel Bleed 

Lysing the Thrombus – Comparing the TPAs 

Bolstering the Post Bx Bleed – Percutaneous Gluing 


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